Sunday, August 11, 2013

What tabletop gaming is to me

Writing to me has always been about the characters. Yes, the story is very important, the plot is a big deal, but without the characters, there is no story! To me, my art is about telling those characters' stories. And gaming is no different.

When I make a character for a campaign, I'm setting up the beginning of their story. And as with the characters of my stories, I am constantly figuring out my gaming characters throughout the week. I'm always thinking of how they would react to certain issues and why. The why is one of the most important parts to me.

I don't think anyone could ever say I don't have well fleshed out characters. I get into the minds, think about how they would feel about certain things, how they react to people and situations.

Gaming, for me, is being able to get lost in these stories for a couple of hours, and that's a great thing sometimes when my life gets to the point I'm not wanting to even be part of it. It's an escape.

And it's about friends. People who, without the game, you might never have met.

And finally, it's about laughter, one of the best medicines on the planet.

That is gaming to me.


  1. Gaming to me is a place to retreat and be the master of many destinies. I love to entertain and I love to know all the secrets so I am a GM who spends a lot of time perfecting my craft. To build a tale collaboratively is a good start but to craft a memory that is treasured is what I aim for every time.

    That is what gaming is to me.

  2. Gaming for me is a place where I can be creative. As a player I get to be creative with my character. I get to explore morals not my own and I get to make decisions based on circumstances I'll never see in real life. I get to see incredible things in my minds eye and see if it meshes with the GMs vision.

    As a GM I get to be ultimately creative. I get to create an entire world with interesting characters and places. I get to try and craft interesting bits of story that the players then weave into their own tapestry. That tapestry is the final story and is part mine and part theirs.

    Gaming to me is part escapism, part socializing, and part introspection. Rarely does one single thing evoke so many aspects of a person.
